Boil the potatoes: Add the potatoes to a pot of cold salted water. Optionally, add a tablespoon of vinegar for flavor. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on their size. The potatoes should be able to be pierced with a fork, but slightly firm. Let dry off and cool down in a colander.
Pan-roast the almonds: While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the almonds. Toss the almonds with just enough olive oil to thinly coat, and throw into a small skillet. Cook on medium heat, tossing or stirring them often to ensure even cooking. If they start to brown soon, turn down heat. For perfect crispness, the goal is to get them to plump out without browning first. As soon as you can smell them, whether plump or not (they'll still be great), take them off the heat to prevent browning on the inside, and place on paper towel.
Crisp the potatoes: The potatoes should be dry and cool enough to handle. Roughly split the potatoes with a fork into about 1-inch (2.5cm) pieces. Heat the skillet on high heat for a moment. When a test drop of water sizzles when it hits the pan, add the olive oil and let get hot before adding the potatoes. They should sizzle immediately. Let cook undisturbed and uncrowded until one side has turned golden. Flip to caramelize the other side. When the potatoes are golden and crispy to your liking, you can put them in the oven to keep warm and deepen their golden crispness.
Make the dressing: In a very small bowl, whisk the mustard, vinegar and pepper together. Now whisk in the olive oil.
To Serve: Put the warm potatoes in a bowl, add the rocket lettuce, sprinkle with salt and toss with the dressing. Transfer to a serving platter. Scatter the almonds on top. Enjoy!
* You might consider toasting extra almonds. They tend to disappear before making it onto the salad!
Adapted from the cookbook Seven Fires by Francis Mallmann
Stainless Steel Pan for the almonds - I have cooked them both in a stainless steel pan and a nonstick skillet. Both work, but they are easier to get nice and plump before they start to brown with stainless steel.
Nonstick Skillet with a metal handle or a cast iron skillet for crisping the potatoes - and keeping them crisp in oven while you finish up preparing the meal.