Drain the chickpeas, reserving half of the liquid (or for milder chickpea flavor, strain the chickpeas, discarding the liquid, and rinse). Proceed to blend.
If using dried chickpeas (see notes)
Soak the chickpeas overnight with a pinch of baking soda in enough water to cover the chickpeas by 2" (5cm), so they remain submerged as they expand.
Cook: Drain and transfer to a pot. Cover the chickpeas with fresh water about 2" (5cm) above the chickpeas, add the baking soda and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cook for about 1½ to 2 hours, or until they can be easily crushed between your fingers. Drain the chickpeas, reserving a cup of the cooking water.
In a bowl (if using an immersion blender), food processor or blender, combine the chickpeas, garlic, tahini,lemon juice, salt and3 Tablespoons of the reserved liquid or water.
Process at high speed until it reaches the smoothness of a thick paste, about 2 to 3 minutes. For a smoother texture, continue blending for 2 to 3 more minutes. Taste for salt and lemon juice, and adjust to your liking. If too thick, add 1 Tablespoon at a time of the reserved chickpea liquid or water, until desired consistency. (Note that hummus becomes thicker when refrigerated.)
Transfer to a shallow dish, mound in the form of a volcano, and with the back of a spoon, carve a crater in the center with raised outer edges. It helps to rotate the bowl while keeping the spoon in place. (Alternately, you can carve a moat or valleys.) Fill withthe olive oil, and garnish to your liking. Serve with warm flatbread.
Dried Chickpeas - Soaking the chickpeas overnight (12-24 hours) speeds up cooking time. So does adding baking soda to the cooking water, helping the chickpeas soften more and faster, and in the final result, creating a smoother hummus.
Canned Chickpeas - If needed, you can cook canned chickpeas further with baking soda to soften them more for smoother hummus. Drain the canned chickpeas and rinse. Bring to a boil in a pan covered with fresh water about 2" (5cm) above the chickpeas with ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. Reduce heat to low and cook for about 30 minutes, and drain.
Other Garnishing Ideas
Spice: about ¼ tsp of Aleppo pepper, paprika or cumin
Whole chickpeas: Before blending the chickpeas, set aside a few for garnish
Chopped parsley:1 Tablespoon
Nuts: 1 Tablespoon of pine nuts; or toasted walnuts
Diced preserved lemon:1 Tablespoon (You can also puree 1 Tablespoon into the hummus.)
Fridge: 3-5 days when refrigerated and covered in plastic wrap. Freezer: 3-4 months in a tightly covered container.